Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Teaming and Collaboration Sub Committee
Thank you all for all your work. I have been waiting for a district document link so we could all access the information from the blog but it may take a little while to get. So, I have sent you all our latest document produced by the committee as an email attachment. We will be processing this information as a whole group at our next meeting on October 27th. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the information if you were not part of this committee. All should also feel free to provide feedback, concerns, etc. on the comments section below. Committee members please note that I have made the changes we discussed yesterday. If there are corrections, typos or content, please let me know so that I can make the changes before our next meeting.

Friday, October 06, 2006


The following is reflective of the work that we began on Thursday. The Teaming & Collaboration Committee will continue with the work this Tuesday at 3:45 pm at ESC. See you Then.

What the school is known for: below is the draft of what we identified as important to the Carson staff. The Priority 1 items is what we said we wanted to focus on. The Priority 2 items are still important but may not be what we will emphasize as a school. Reminder: this is the first draft.

Priority 1
Wednesday LIC
Common Planning/ Formalized Schedule for Teaming & Planning by: grade, vertical, and special programs (Spec. Ed., Title/LAP, ELL etc.)
Building Goal Setting (CSIP implementation)
Professional Development as a building
Team Teaching
Differentiated Instruction
Supplemental Programs and their implementation/order of curriculum interventions
Building adoption of approved supplemental programs
Minimum level of technology implementation for all/common expectations
Common role of Accelerated Reader in the building
Conferences as a building
Walk-To-ReadSp. Ed./Title I-LAP: pull-out is the norm but inclusion is an option. The decision is based on the student’s needs

Priority 2
Block scheduling (beyond district scheduling)
Building assessments (beyond district)
Extended Learning Opportunities
Prioritization of subjects
Book Studies
SLP’s beyond district requirements
Academic Oriented Clubs and Events
Use of Building Stipends
AutoskillsLarson Math

Profile of the Desired Staff Member: Below is the draft of the primary characteristics that we are desiring of Carson staff. The rationale is that indivudals with these characteristics will make a significant impact in how well we carry out what Carson is known for.

Primary Characteristics to Support Priority 1
Team planner
Willingness to support the team’s final decision
Uses and applies technology available for instruction/planning/evaluation
Sees IEP students as their student for all subjects
Belief that all kids can learn
Supports Carson’s Code of Conduct (to be created)
Recognizes and supports a strong, highly active parent group in the classroom
Includes regular parent communication regarding the work/learning occurring in the classroom

It’s all about teaming…the independent contractor is gone
A team commitment to not sabotage

Secondary Characteristics to Support Priority 1
Supports 40 developmental assets that are implemented at Carson

Monday, October 02, 2006

Teaming and Collaboration

What Carson Has... Carson is designed so that every two regular classrooms share a Project Room (with the exception of kindergarten). In addition, the classrooms also have two connecting doors in the wall between the classrooms that share the project room. The building was designed in mind for a strong collaborative and teaming faculty.

What We Could Have... The possibilities are literally endless because there is no captial projects budget involved. This is our opportunity to truly build an exceptional Professional Learning Community (PLC). Below are some examples of items that we will consider as part of Carson's Teaming and Collaboration. It does not mean that we will be emphasizing everything on the list (we'll be working to whittle it down to what we will be highlighting at Carson). Please add to the list under the comments below so that we can begin to identify what working at Carson will look like. The items are not listed in priority order. The three main categories are 1) PLC, 2) Instructional Models and 3) Application of Data:

* Wednesday LIC
* common planning
* building goal setting
* professional development as a building
* grade level teaming/planning
* vertical teaming/planning
* special programs teaming/planning
* looping
* team teaching
* Title I/LAP program model (pull-out or in-classroom)
* block scheduling
* building assessments
* Extended Learning Opportunities for struggling students
* prioritization of subjects
* book studies
* differentiated instruction
* supplemental programs and their implementation/order of curriculum interventions
* adoption of district approved models (writing, math, etc.)
* portfolios
* Student Learning Plans (SLP)
* academic oriented clubs and events
* use of building stipends
* minimum level of technology implementation for all/common expectations
* role of AR
* academic/instructional protocol
Please also indicate if you are interested in being on this subcommittee (four people, excluding Miles and myself). If you're not signed up for Teaming & Collaboration then your name should pop up under the technology sub committee.

A Staff Profile: just as important, if not more that what we are doing with the list above, is the identification of the Carson team's characteristics that we feel would maximize the energy of maintaining the common goals as identified on the list above. Please add your own characterisitics to the list that I have begun under the comments link below the list:

* a team planner
* willingness to support the team's final decision
* uses and applies technology available for instruction/planning/evaluation
* supports 40 Developmental Assets that are implemented at Carson
* sees IEP students as their student for all subjects
* supports Carson's Code of Conduct
* recognizes and supports a strong, highly active parent group in the classroom
* includes regular parent communication regarding the work occuring in the classroom

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